Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh (Barra and Vatersay Community) Limited is a company incorporated as private limited by guarantee SC285873
and a Scottish Charity SC041923
Iomairt aig an Oir Projects
Through Iomairt aig an Oir, Community Groups can be assisted in a
number of ways. Groups have access to the Local Development Officer,
who can undertake tasks to assist the group, e.g. fund raising. Groups can
access a small consultancy fund to assist with project planning and
feasibility and they can access development funding, a limited fund
available to help initiate project development.
Crofting Projects
This project aims to address the problem of erosion through sand being blown from machair fronts
in certain areas of the island. A novel approach to the erosion has been developed and shows
considerable potential for dealing with the problem.
Local Food Production
This project aims to increase the production and variety of wholesome local foods grown on Barra
and Vatersay. There are plans for the development of a locally based hebridean Food festival, specifically
designed to act as a showcase for local produce. This Project has considerable scope for further development.